2013 Guinea Pig Costume Contest

at the World Of Pets Expo (<--- click to go there)

Guinea Pig Costume contest are becoming so popular. It seems we just can’t get enough of those adorable potatoes dressed up in all manner of clothing.

(Click pictures for bigger photos!)

Peanut the Leprechaun

We are planning on a great contest this year with the addition of categories.

 Is your guinea pig the yummiest food item this year?

Hot Dog!

Maybe Science Fiction/Fantasy will bring your piggy to the win.

..You're our only hope Obi Wan...

Now Glamor is always a big favorite.

Can I get a drink?

Maybe your piggy is the one that thinks out of the box and will score a ribbon for most original.

Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

The biggest prize is for best over all and it doesn’t have to fit in one of these categories to win.

So come on out, there are lots of prizes and we all live to see our pigs dress up. Just use a bit of thought and don’t try to force those delicate little arms and legs in directions nature didn’t intend.

MGPR will have a few costumes for sale this year. So don’t be surprised if your Diva Pig refuses to leave with out an addition to her wardrobe.

Judging is at 1:00pm.